In a word, concept is the universal aspect of things, the foundation of things' existence and the model of things' imitation. He divided the world into the world of ideas and the world of things. It is a combination of Heraclitus and parmenides. (Specifically, we can understand the way of dividing the world by understanding the concepts of Japanese metaphor, line metaphor and cave metaphor. )
In his view, our souls originally lived in the world of heavenly ideas and possessed all the knowledge, but only after succumbing to the body did they forget everything (memories). Only through proper training can we recall what we saw. Later, he himself discovered some defects of this theory and put forward a more refined theory of soul turning to reconcile his own contradictions.
Aristotle. Plato believes that reality is composed of eternal ideas or forms, which precede individual things in space and time. In Yaya's philosophical vision, he criticized idealism, which is a reflection of their profound philosophical differences. Aristotle reviewed the previous philosophy in Metaphysics, and put forward "nine arguments" to criticize Plato's idealism in Chapter 9. Two important principles, motion and noumenon, are emphasized.
He believes that Plato presupposes a separation in concept, and the separation of the two worlds is the basis of idealism. But this separation did not solve the problem, and even it could not explain itself. It can be seen that he criticized from ontology. In addition, it also criticized teleology and the rationality of movement. In his view, ideas are not the highest noumenon, but only used to control the form of materials. To understand Asia, please refer to his four reasons and read more original works if possible. He attached great importance to the study of movement, and thought that ontology should explain the movement of natural things, while Plato admitted the importance of movement and thought that movement was unknown, and his idea itself was something that did not move. So how can such a motionless thing be associated with real movement? It is not feasible in Asia. This separation has been strongly questioned.
Kant, the founder of German classical idealism. His theory is bounded by 1770, including pre-critical period and post-critical period. Pay attention to the special significance of his criticism, which is not generally understood by us. ) Three criticisms, Critique of Pure Reason discusses epistemology, that is, the source and norm of rational knowledge. Criticism of Practical Reason discusses ethics from the perspective of ethics and belief. Criticism of Judgment attempts to solve the opposition between inevitability and freedom expounded in the previous two criticisms. His theory is regarded as a revolution "Copernican revolution" by the philosophical circles (in the past, philosophy was from things to people, and his theory was "artificial natural legislation" from people to things, which means that his perspective of thinking from people's own point of view is completely different from that of his predecessors. The theoretical content is profound, and the contrast with the first two ancient Greek philosophers is not strong.
I typed it word by word, I hope it will be useful to you. If you understand all these contents, I think there is no problem in getting into these three people for postgraduate entrance examination. The key is understanding. If it's too simple, you won't understand. Read more and you will understand.