In order to better serve these children, Sichuan Lark Language Training Center has increased training venues this year and expanded the training venues for emotional integration, hoping to better "care for children and witness their growth."
(new training ground)
About autism
Autism spectrum disorder's disease (also called autism) is a group of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by social disorder, narrow range of interests or activities, repetitive stereotyped behavior and abnormal sensory perception.
Etiology of autism
The reason is unknown at present. It is now agreed that the main cause of autism is biological factors. It may be related to genetic factors, nervous system abnormalities, neuropsychological abnormalities and other factors.
Incidence of autism
The latest prevalence rate released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on March 26th, 2020 is 1: 54.
China conservatively estimates that there are at least 3 million people with autism, ranking first in the category of mental disability in China.
Core symptom
Including social communication barriers, language communication barriers, narrow interests and repeated stereotypes.
Early identification of autism
Five behavioral markers for early identification of autism, referred to as "five noes" behavior.
1, no (less) look: abnormal eye contact;
2, no (less) should: including swearing reaction and common attention.
Swearing reaction: children turn a deaf ear to their parents' calls, and insensitive swearing reaction is usually one of the manifestations of ASD discovered by parents earlier;
3. Nothing (less) refers to: lack of proper body movements, unable to ask for things of interest;
4. No (little) language: Most autistic children have language delay;
5. Inappropriate: refers to improper use of articles and related sensory abnormalities.
The estimated age of children with autism and developmental delay is 2-6 years old, and the appropriate intervention age is 2- 12 years old. The best expectation of autism is before the age of 8, and the golden age of language learning for autistic children is before the age of 3.
The younger the age, the greater the plasticity of brain development, so early detection and early intervention are the most important methods of rehabilitation education for autistic children. The most targeted and professional intervention training helps children return to society as soon as possible.