1. Pap staining: This staining method is characterized by polychromatic cells and bright colors. Smear staining has good transparency, clear cytoplasmic granules and clear nuclear structure, such as the cytoplasm of hyperkeratinized cells in squamous epithelium is orange; Keratinocytes are pink; The cells before keratinization are light green or light blue, which is suitable for staining epithelial cells or observing the effect of hormone level on epithelial cells in vaginal smear. The disadvantage of this method is that the dyeing procedure is complicated.
2. Hematoxylin-eosin staining method: This method has good transparency and sharp contrast between nucleus and cytoplasm. The dyeing step is simple and the effect is stable. Suitable for sputum smear, the sputum nucleus is purple-blue, the cytoplasm is light rose red, and the red blood cells are light scarlet.
3. Wright-Giemsa staining method; This method is mainly used for cytological examination of blood and bone marrow. The safe structures of granules and nuclei in cytoplasm are clearly visible. Simple operation.