What is Buddhist education?
The Buddha of Sakyamuni died, and the demon king said that his descendants would wear cassock and live in the temple. So what should we do with it? It is a sin to call him a monk. We should keep him at a distance from others. He is a disciple of the Buddha. Far, he has no virtue. We should know the difference between a good teacher and a good teacher. How to tell? As the saying goes, according to will, not according to people. According to the meaning, not according to the meaning. Scripture is the education of Buddha! ? Those wicked monks will reap the consequences. It's the end of the law, the boundary of five turbid evils, and it should be immune. If you are virtuous enough, the people around you will change with you. There is a story that there is a great virtue practicing in the village. He gets up at dawn every morning to knock on the wooden fish and recite the Buddha. It's so loud that people around you can almost hear it. One day, old Wang Tianyi got up at dawn to kill pigs. "I don't know why I didn't hear the sound of wooden fish chanting Buddha today?" "Who said no," said his wife, "it's your retribution for killing too hard." After that, fewer and fewer people killed in the village.