First, open the browser, enter Xuexin. com official website:/,and enter's home page. ..
At the top of the home page, you can see the option of "education inquiry", and click enter. If you are a fresh graduate, you can choose "general higher education qualifications inquiry" and click enter.
In the new page, you need to enter some personal information, including name, ID number, verification code, etc. Please ensure the accuracy of this information to avoid making mistakes in the query.
After entering the information, click the "Query" button, and the system will verify your information. After verification, you can see your student status information.
In the student status information, you can find your graduation certificate number. This number is issued by the education department, which is unique and proof of your academic qualifications.
It should be noted that the information about can only be used for reference. If you need formal academic credentials, you need to apply to the school.
Generally speaking, the process of querying the graduation certificate number is not complicated, just follow the steps. However, this number is very important. Please keep it safe and don't reveal it to others.