Pedagogy is a science that studies educational phenomena and problems and reveals educational laws. Its research object is educational phenomena and problems, and its purpose is to reveal educational laws and provide theoretical basis for educational practice through investigation and understanding of the research object. Educational phenomenon is the manifestation of educational activities in the development of sports, and it is the external and superficial feature of educational activities, including educational social phenomena and educational cognitive phenomena. Educational problems refer to practical educational contradictions and theoretical problems that are reflected in people's minds and need to be proved and solved.
Compared with the difference between education and pedagogy, the real internal relationship between them is often unknown. But in reality, this problem seems to be well known. Regarding the internal relationship between education and pedagogy, the most common expression at present is that "education is the research object of pedagogy", which is often nothing more than this. There is no doubt that the statement that "education is the research object of pedagogy" basically embodies some internal connection between the two, that is, the connection in difference.