What company is Pearson Group and which country is it from?
Pearson Education Group is the largest educational publishing group in the world. Its publishers include Longman Group, prentiss Hall and Addison Wesley. , annual sales of about $5 billion. As a publishing group providing lifelong education products and services, she ranks first in the world in many fields, such as higher education, primary and secondary education, English education, professional publishing, examination and evaluation, online education and so on, helping more than 1 100 million people worldwide to receive education and training. In the past five years, Pearson Education Group has led the trend of educational publishing at a speed higher than the average growth rate of the market. Pearson Group was founded in 1724, and its headquarters is in the UK. 1889 expanded its production and business activities to the United States for the first time, thus entering the stage of international operation. As a giant in the publishing industry, Pearson is currently adopting an international development strategy. With its professional publishing, abundant financial resources and the support of integrated structure, it gradually expanded its business scope to Europe, Asia, North America, Australia, India and even other parts of the world, in order to serve more readers, occupy higher market share, obtain more profits and promote the development of the Group itself.