Are Chengbei Primary School and No.2 Primary School Branch in Anji County the same school?
Chengbei Primary School in Anji County and No.2 Primary School Branch are the same school. According to relevant data, Anji No.2 Primary School North Campus was officially put into use in September 2020. It is the branch of Anji County Second Primary School Education Group. School coordinates: The Chengbei Campus of Anji No.2 Primary School is located in the center of the north block of the county, south of Wushan Temple Village Committee. School size: The school covers a total area of 47,894 square meters, with a total construction area of about 30,979 square meters. The total investment of the project is10.45 billion yuan. The scale of running a school is designed as 36 classes, with a maximum capacity of 1620 students.