The story of the novel takes place in Yau Ma Tei. Through the description of the unforgettable and unforgettable six-year primary school life of the hero boy Sang Sang, the story tells the relationship entanglement of the five children, namely Sang Sang, Touhe, Du Xiaokang, Xima, Zhiyue and Yau Ma Tei's teacher Jiang Yilun and Baique, and the painful growth process of the children.
In the past six years, Sang Sang has witnessed or directly participated in a series of touching stories that seem ordinary but make people cry. In the experience of death, the profound and beautiful understanding of life and the complex and poetic emotional entanglements between adults are clearly and dimly displayed in the world of young mulberry. These six years are the six years in which he received life enlightenment education.
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The influence of the work:
Cao Wenxuan's classic novel The Straw House has been selling well since it was published in 1997. Each version has been printed nearly 300 times and translated into English, French, Japanese and Korean.
After the publication of Straw House, it won the Bingxin Children's Literature Award, the 4th National Excellent Children's Literature Award of Chinese Writers Association and the 4th National Book Award, and was selected as one of the "100 Children's Literature Classics in China". ?
The film of the same name adapted from the novel also caused a sensation, and won the 19 Golden Rooster Award for Best Screenplay, 1998 China Film Observation Award, the 4th Cowboy Award and Film Critics Award, and the 14 Teheran International Film Festival Jury Special Award.