Why does the company have a trademark?
The company's trademark has a long history. Many companies have their own trademarks. In fact, a trademark is not only a simple pattern for a company, it also symbolizes the starting point of a company and the corporate culture behind it. Trademark can make all employees who wear this badge find a sense of identity at a certain time, especially when they work together, and everyone can understand who they are working for.
What's the special meaning behind the trademark?
In fact, the meaning behind many trademarks is very simple, and even some trademarks may be something that its founders sometimes casually think of. However, Tencent's trademark is very simple, it is a little penguin. Presumably, everyone can understand why you chose this pattern as your trademark, because Tencent started from qq. The mascot of qq is penguin, so the trademark has stopped.
What do you think of Tencent's application for a new trademark this time?
The new trademark that Tencent applied for this time actually has little to do with their parent company. These newly established companies are mainly used in other industries, so we can see that Tencent may involve other industries in the future. Rather than simply developing in the Internet and media industries. The presence of a large company like Tencent may change the development of these industries to a certain extent, and we expect Tencent to bring us more convenience.
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I am an ordinary kindergarten teacher, a