First, science? Read French and English? Beautiful? ['sans]?
Noun (short for noun) science; Technology; Discipline; science
Archives science? Archives science; Archives research; ?
Applied science? [Technology]? Applied science; Ministry of applied science; Introduction to applied science; And applied science
Agricultural science? [Agriculture]? Agricultural science; Agronomy; Agricultural science and technology; agronomy
Space science? [air]? Space science; Space science; Space science; Cosmology division
Second, liberal arts? Read French and English? [a:ts] beautiful?
the humanities
Applied art? Practical art; Applied arts; Applied translation company
Digital art? Digital art; Digital art; Digital art; Art design
Academy of Fine Arts? Miscellaneous arts; Buza academic style; The art of beauty; Buza style
Spreading art? Communication art; Communication art; Media art; The art of information exchange
Expand the subject of synonyms in data science
Use of discipline:
Discrimination of words
The words training, practice, exercise, drill and discipline all mean "practice, training and exercise". The differences are as follows:
1, training? Common words refer to physical or intellectual training for a profession.
2. practice? Refers to the application of learned theory or knowledge to practice in order to acquire skills and skills.
3. Exercise? Mainly refers to the exercise to keep fit, but also refers to the exercise to keep the acquired skills.
4. drilling? Pay attention to systematic, strict and repetitive exercises.
5. discipline? It can refer to both training and restriction in order to achieve a certain level of proficiency.