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Hailar tourist attractions daquan Hailar city attractions daquan
Today, Xiaobian will share with you the knowledge of Hailar's tourist attractions, and will also analyze and answer Hailar's tourist attractions. If you can solve the problem you want to know, pay attention to this website.

What's interesting about Hailar?

(1), Hailar District is the central city of Hulunbeier grassland, and the endless Hulunbeier grassland is Hailar's most advantageous and unique tourism resource, which is most suitable for the construction and development of a green tourism city.

(2) Pinus sylvestris var. Pinus sylvestris forest: Pinus sylvestris var. sylvestris. Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica is a precious tree species in the world, and Xishan National Forest Park in Hailar District is the only national forest park with Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica. China with Mongolia as the main body. There are more than 4600 natural Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica. There is an exhibition hall of 1 1,000 square meters in the park, which comprehensively introduces the species resources and development history of Hailar District. There are also the northern grassland cultural sites of the Microlithic Age thousands of years ago, and the underground military fortifications of the Japanese army during World War II. This is an important tourist attraction.

(3) River: Yimin River runs through the urban area from south to north, with gentle water flow, and Hailar River is located in the north of Hailar, with rapid water depth. Suitable for water yachts and water rafting. Summer bath is set up in summer, and motorcycle and sledge tours are set up in winter.

(4) Low Mountain Plain: The low mountains, plains and beaches around Hailar are patchy, with diverse terrain and gentle ups and downs, which are suitable for tourism projects such as automobiles, motorcycles, bicycles, horseback riding, skiing and grass skiing.

(5) Places that can provide leisure and entertainment for tourists mainly include Genghis Khan Square, Yanhe Park, Central Square, Station Square, Russian Mall, Xishan Square, Hulun Square and Bell Square.

Hailar District is the municipal district of Hulunbeier City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the political, transportation and cultural center of Hulunbeier City, and the seat of Hulunbeier Municipal People's Government. Located in the northeast of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, southwest of central Hulunbeier City, at the junction of the low hills at the west foot of Daxing 'anling and the eastern edge of Hulunbeier Gaopingyuan. Geographical coordinates are located between east longitude119 28 ′ ~120 34 ′ and north latitude 49 06 ′ ~ 49 28 ′, starting from the intersection of Hailaer River and Ewenki Autonomous Banner in the east and reaching Liangxiao Station in the west. It starts from the No.10 Team of Xiertala Cattle Farm in the north, and ends at the Caidian Canal of the former Hulunbeier League office in the south. ! function(){ if(" object " = = type of window){ if(" intersect observer " in window & amp; & "Cross Observation" in Window and Observation; "intersectionRatio" in & window. intersectionobserventry . prototype){ " is intersection " in window。 intersectionobserventry . prototype | | object . define property(window。 intersectionobserventry . prototype," isIntersecting ",{ get:function(){ return this . intersection ratio & gt; 0}}); return}var t=window.document,e =[]; r . prototype . throttle _ time out = 100,r.prototype.POLL_INTERVAL=null,r . prototype . use _ MUTATION _ OBSERVER =! 0,r . prototype . observe = function(t){ if(! This. _ observationtargets . some(function(e){ return e . element = = t }){ if(! 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