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Seek all the words in grade seven and grade eight, the new goal of education edition.
This may just be the first volume.

A/E, eI/art One (only, put, set ...)

A little bit; 1?o'clock

One set /E set of Ev/a sets; a set

About /E5baJt/prep. About; about ...

Action film /5 akfen 5mu:vI/ action film

Actor /5akte (r)/n

Address of communication office; address

After/after 5/,/5B: full-time equivalent/preparation. & ampConj。 After ... ...

Affordable; Affordable

Afternoon /7 after5nu: n/,/7b: fte5nu: n/n. Afternoon; afternoon

Age; Age; age

Alarm clock /E5lBr)m E5klCk/ alarm clock

All/C:l/pron。 All; all

Also /5C:lsEJ/adv also; Also; and



America /E5 merike/ USA; United States of America

An/An/art (before vowel) a (only, ba, tai ...)

And/or /conj. And; Again; and

Answer /5anser/,/5b: NSE/n. Answer; Reply; answer

Any/5enI/pron。 Any one thing (or some things)

Anyone. Anyone.


April 5(th)


isn't it?

About, about

Around/E6raJnd/adv is everywhere; nearby

Art/b: t (r)/n. Art; Fine arts; work of art

Ask/ask/,/b:sk/v . Ask; ask

In/in/getting ready. In (in or near); At (the hour); along with

August/5th: September/Sunday

Aunt/ant/,/b: nt/n. Aunt; Auntie; Auntie; Auntie; Mother's brother's wife


Bag; Bag; Bag; pocket

Ball/BC: l/n.

Bananas; banana


Baseball; baseball

Basketball; basketball

Basketball game

Racket (tennis, table tennis, etc.)

Be/bi:/v. Yes (indicating existence, state, etc. )

Because /bI5kC:z/,/bI5kCz/conj. because


Before /bi 5 FCR)/ prepare. earlier times ...

Beijing opera Beijing opera

Best/best/adjective & the highest point of the best (ground)

Big/big/adjective & Big; Vast; important

Biology; biology

Birth /b \ r) birth; be born

Birthday/5b \ r) wdei/n.

Black/black/adj&; Black (black)


Blue/blu:/adj&; blue

Book /bjk/n

Bookcase/5bjk7keis/n. bookcase; bookshelf

boring/5bC:rIN/adj boring; wearisome

Boy /BCI/n

Breakfast /5 breakfasts /n

Take it; bring

Broccoli /5brb: kli/,/5brckli/n.

Brother/5 brqte (r)/n. Brother; younger brother


Bus /bqs/n

Busy/5 bizi/adj Busy; Busy; busy

But /bQt/conj. but

Buy/Bai/v. purchase; buy

Call/KC: l/v.

can/Kan/modal v . can; Yes; can


Card//kb: (r) d/n/n. card; Card; poker cards

Carrots /5 carret/carrots

Box/keis/; Box; cabinet

CD/7si:5di:/abbr .(= CD)



Chicken; Chicken; Chicken (as food)

China /5 France/China

Chinese/7tfai5ni: z/n.chinese; Chinese

Chinese /7tFaI5ni:z/adj China; Chinese

City /5siti/n

Class/klas/,/klb:s/n . class; Class (a class)

Shop assistant /KL \: rk/,/klb: k/n. (Banks, offices, shops, etc. ) staff; police officer

Clock; clock

Clothes; Clothes. ) clothes; Dress

Clubs/klqb/n. societies; club

Collection/ke5lekfen/n. collection; collect

Color/5 qle (r)/n.

Come; reach

Comedy; comedy

computer/kem5p ju:te(r)/n . computer; electronic computer

Computer games video games

Contest/5kb: ntest/,/5ktest/n. Competition; Competition; match

Conversation/7kb: nve5seifen/,/7k nve 5 seifen/n . Conversation; discuss

Countable noun

Cousin/5 kqzen/n. Cousin (Cousin); Cousin (cousin)

Cream/kri: m/n. cream; butterfat

Dad/dad /n (informal) dad

Dance/dances/,/db:ns/v . Dance; dance


Daughter/5dc: te (r)/n.

Day/day/; During the day; During the day; sky


1February 5

description/di5s criptfen/n . description; narrate

Desk/desk/desk; school desk

Dessert//di5z \: (r) t/n/n. (dessert)

Dictionary/5 diktfeneri/,/5 diktfeneri/n . dictionary; dictionary


Dinner/dinner/dinner; dinner

do/du:/v & amp; Auxiliary. (the auxiliary verbs that make up negative sentences and interrogative sentences are meaningless) do; Drying; behaviour

Do your homework.

documentary letter of credit

does/dQz/v . & amp; Auxiliary. (the third person singular of the verb do) (the auxiliary verb that constitutes a negative sentence or question is meaningless) do; Drying; behaviour

hear nothing of

Dog /DCG/n

USD /5dB: ler/,/5dcle/N. Yuan (the monetary unit of the United States, Canada and other countries, with the symbol of USD).



Drawer/5drc: (r)/n。

Dresser/5 drese(r)/n . Dresser; Kitchen cupboard

Drum /drqm/n

Each/i:tF/pron。 each

Eat/Me: TV.

Eggs; Eggs (of hens)

VIII /EIT/num.viii

8/7 E5 iti:n/num . XVIII

Eighteen/7E5iti: NW/num. eighteenth

Eighth /eIW/num. eighth

Eleven /i5 even number /num. The14th letter of the Greek alphabet.

Eleventh /i5. eleventh

E-mail; e-mail

English /5 inglf/n. English; English

Eraser /i5reizer/,/i5reize/n. pencil eraser; blackboard eraser

Evening/5i:vnin/n . Evening; Dusk; evening

Every/5evrI/adj each; each

Example /ig5 zampel/,/ig5zb: mpel/n. Example; example

Exciting /Ik5saItIN/adj exciting; heart-stirring

Excuse/ik5skju: z/v/v. forgive; excuse

Excuse me, please forgive me (polite language, habit of talking to strangers, interrupting others, etc. )

Family /5 Fameli/N.Home; domestic

Surname surname

Father/5fb: te (r)/n. Dad; father

Favorite. Favorite (thing)

February 5(th)

Music, ballet, drama, etc. ); festival

Fifteen/7551: Number fifteen.

Fifteenth/7th fif5ti: NW/num. fifteenth

The fifth/fifth/fifth. fifth

Looking for; Discover; seek

First/second: first/second. first

The first word of a western name

Five/failures/figures. Verb (abbreviation of verb)

Floor/FLC: (r)/n. floor; ground

Food/happiness: d/n.

For/fC:(r)/prep。 (indicating purpose or reason) for the sake of

Found/faJnd/adj. (find past tense and past participle of find)

Four /fC:(r)/num.

14/7fC:(r)5ti:n/num。 fourteenth

Fourth /fC:(r)W/num. Fourth.

French fries /5 French F 5 Fraiz/(= French fried potatoes) fried potatoes; French fries

Friday /5 fraidi/n


From/frB:m /,/frCm/prep。 From; from ...

Fruit /fru: fruit

Fun/fQn/adj (mouth) is interesting; happy

Funny /5fQnI/adj interesting; delight

Furniture; Furniture; furniture

Game/geim/n. sports; match


Get up, get up

Girl /g \: (r) l/n


Go home, go home.

Go to the cinema.

Go to bed.

Go to school. Go to school.

Go to work go to work.

good/gJd/adj good; satisfactory

Grandfather/5 grand7fb: te (r)/n. Grandfather; Grandfather (mother's)

Grandmother/5 grand 7 mqte (r)/n. Grandmother; (paternal) grandmother

Grandparents/grandparents/grandparents; Grandfather (mother); Grandfather (mother)

Great; great

Green/gri: n/adj&; Green (of)

Guitar/gi5tb: (r)/n.

Hamburgers, hamburgers.

Happy; Pleasant; Happy; approving

Happy birthday! Happy birthday!

Has/HAZ/V. (the third person singular form of have) has; Eat; drink

Hat; Hat.


Eat; drink

Take a look; cast a glance at

He/hi: /pron.

Healthy; Healthy; graceless

Hello/hE5lEJ/int。 (Greetings) Hello

Help/help/v. Ask for help; help

Her/h\:(r)/pron。 she

Here /hIr/,/hIE/adv here; here

Here you are. Here you are

he is

Hi/hi /int. (Greetings or greetings) Hi.

His/hIz/pron。 his

History; History.

Hobbies /5hb: bi/, 5hcbi/n. Hobbies; Favorite topic

Home/Home/Advanced Home

Homework//5 hejmw \: (r) k/n/n. Homework; homework

Hotel /hej5tel/n

Hour /5ajr/,/5aje/n.hour.

How/haJ/adv (degree); What! how

How much is more?

How old you are; how old

I/aI/pron。 I


Ice cream ice cream

identity card

I am

In/in/in preparation. Use (to indicate methods, media, tools, etc. )

In/in/in preparation. In ... ...

Interesting; Interesting. interesting

Yes/iz/v. Yes.


It/It/pron。 it

this is

1 month/5th, Vangeri/5th, Vangeri /n. 1 month; The first month of the lunar year

Job/dvb: b/,/dvcb/n . Work; Odd jobs; Location; location

Join, join

July /dvj5l ai/n

June/dvu: n/n。


Children; young people

Kind-hearted; Kindness.

know/nej/v . know; Understand; understand

Kung Fu/China Kung Fu

Last/lAst /,/lB:ST/adj lAst; The last one

Surname surname

Learn/l \: (r) n/v) n/v. Learning; study

Let/let/v. allow; let

let us

Letter /5l ete (r)/n

Life; Life; Life.


List; Enumerate; List.

Listen /5 Li Sen /v

A little; a small quantity of

Long/lC:N /,/lCN/adj Long

look/ljk/v . look; Hope; seemingly

Look/ljk/n. look; stare

Lost/lC:st /,/lCst/adj Lost; lose

Lost and found lost and found.

Lot/lb: t/,/LCT/n . Many; many

Many, many; many

Love/lqv/v. love; like

Lunch /lqntf/n

a lot of

March /MB: (r) TF/n



May/mei/modal v. possible; can

I/I: /pron. I (objective)

meet/mi:t/v . meet; encounter

Miss/Miss/Miss (maiden name or title)

(informal) mother

Monday/May 5


More/mC:(r)/pron。 More; larger

Morning//5mc: (r) nin/n/n. Morning; (early) morning

mother/5mq te(r)/n . Mom; mother

Movie/5mu: VI/n.

Mr/5mIstE(r)/Mr (title before man's surname or first name)

Ma 'am /5 mils/Ma 'am; Wife (title before the surname or first name of a married woman)

Music/5mju: zik/n.

Musician; musician

Mine/mine/mine. my


the name is...

Need/ni: d/v.

New/nu: /,/nju:/adj New

next/nekst/adv Then; (music indication) immediately following (meaning to start the next movement immediately without interruption)

nice/naIs/adj ok; happy

Night time

Nine /naIn/num. nine

Nineteen/seven Nain 5 Ti: n/num.XIX

The 19th/7th nain5ti: NW/num. nineteenth

Ninth /naInW/num. ninth

No/nEJ/adv (negative) no; breakdown

Notebook /5 nejtbjk/n

1 1 month

Quantity/5 NQMBE (r)/n.

O'clock ... 10 o'clock (just to be punctual)


Belong to/have been/prepared. (of).

Often /5C:fEn/,/5cfan/adv often; often

Oh /EJ/ international. Ah; Oh; Ah (expressing surprise, fear, etc. )

Ok/7E5KEI/adj is good; not bad

old/EJld/adj old; Old; elder

In /B:n/,/Cn/prep. exist ...

Sell cheaply; sell

A/wQn/num. & amp pronoun (used to replace a singular person or thing)

Only/5e jnli/adv Only; only

Opera; opera

Or /C:(r)/conj. Or; otherwise

Orange/5c: rindv/,/5crindv/n. oranges; tangerine

Other /5QTE(r)/pron. Another person (thing); other

Our /5aJr/,/5aJE/pron. our/ours

physical exercise


Pants; Pants; pants ) pants

Father or mother

Partner, partner

Party/5pb: (r) ti/n



Pencil; Pencil

Pencil box pencil box; Stationery box

Pencil Sharpener /5 pensel 5 FB:PE(r)ne(r)/ Pencil Sharpener; pencil sharpener

Person/5pi: pel/n. person; the people

Telephone; Telephone; telephone

telephone number

photo/5 fejtej/n . photo; photograph


Picture/5piktfe (r)/n.

Table tennis table tennis

Plants/plants/,/plb: nt/n

Play; Play a ball game

Play sports, do sports

Please/pli:z/adv (imperative sentences are used as pleasantries of requests) Please.

Complex number /5pljrel/,/5pljerel/n. Complex number; Plural form

Complex number /5pl jer/, /5pl jer/adj

Afternoon: Afternoon.


Problem/5 kwestfen/n. problem; Difficult problem; Asking; doubt

Racket (for tennis and badminton)

In fact; There is no doubt; in fact

Red/red/adjective & red (red)


Ring/rin/n. ring (thing); ring

Rock/Rb: k/,/rck/n。

Room /ru: m/n

ruler/5ru:le(r)/n . ruler; straightedge

run/rqn/v . run; run for it

Runner/5rqne (r)/n

Sad/sad/sad; sadder


Sell; Sell; For sale; on sale


Scary/5Keri/,/5skeErI/adj scary; threaten

School /SKU: Los Angeles School

School Day School Day (non-holiday)

Science; Science; (science) discipline

Seconds /5 seconds/number. second


Sell; Sell; sell


Seven/five seven/figures. seven

17/7 7 5 ti:n/num XVII

This is the eighth grade

Unit 1

1. Freedom is freedom

3. Live to be 200 years old

5. Less pollution and less pollution

7. Use the subway less

9. More tall buildings

1 1. Ten years later.

13. Where to live

15. Live broadcast from the space station.

17. Living in an apartment

19. Live alone.

2 1. Go skating.

23. It looks fashionable. quickly

25. Dress casually


29. In the future

Unit 2, Grade 8

Argue with sb. be angry with sb.

Argue with sb. Be angry with sb.



No entry ... out.

Call someone. Call at most ...

Make a phone call

Pay remuneration

part-time jobs/work

Youth talk youth forum

as same as ...

Live in harmony with each other

As much as possible.


On the other hand, on the one hand,

Borrow something. From sb.

Discovery discovery

Popular at school.

Except me. Except me.

Have dinner and fast food.

Until ... until ...

Try to do it.

Complain about doing sth.

Seem to do (something)

Comparison ... with comparison ... with ...

think ...

Find out to do sth. Find out how to do sth.

Learn to do sth.

Unit 3 of Grade 8

Barber shop barber shop

Get out! Get out!

take off

train station

Come on in.

Beijing International Airport Beijing International Airport

I have heard of it.


The World Trade Center

Be the same as …

in front of...

Clean my room. Clean my room.

sleep late

Be smooth and do something stupid.

Cooking. Cooking.

have lunch


Have ... experience ...

Morning morning

Step down. Step down.

Very surprised. Very surprised.

souvenir shop

Television station

In the museum, in the museum.

climb a tree

Jump down

Photographic photography

Call the police.

Rhodes Haas rides a bike.

Buy a newspaper

Run away

Consider doing sth.

for instance

Heard of

Have fun. Have fun.

Insence is popular. ...

Tell us, tell us.

In space, in space

The whole world, the whole world.

Be famous for … ...

close/immediate/next-door neighbour

1. Arrive/enter

2. TV reporter

In front of ...

4. In front of ...

Step 5 escape

Step 6 sleep late

7. In the library

8. Flight Museum

9. Buy a souvenir

10. Call the police.

1 1. Call the TV station.

12. Call the newspaper.

13. Take off

14. Unusual experience

15. Jump from ...

16. Take photos of ...

17. Too scared

18. Walk to school

19. In the tree

20. In the tree

2 1. Officer

22. At the doctor's place

23. Go shopping

24. Barber shop

25. On/in the playground

26. Ten minutes ago

27. Silently

28. Keep silent/quiet


30. Become a national hero

3 1. Be famous for ...

32. Become/be famous as ...

33. Worldwide (in the world)

34. In turn

35. Have fun

36. On the moon

37. Be murdered

38. destroyed

39. On this day

40. I heard/heard

4 1. Born

42. Haircut (haircut)

Unit 5 of Grade 8

Have fun. Have fun.

Let in ````` Come in.

Stay at home. Stay at home.

Help sb. Do sth. Help sb. to do sth.

Take it away. Take it away.

Ask someone. To sth.

At the party, at the party.

Going to college requires going to college.

Become famous

Travel around the world

Make money

Work hard

Professional football player

Professional football player.

look like

Make a living

The whole world, the whole world

Give money to donate money.

all the time

Live for life.

be injured

In fact,

Can be canned


Spend time killing time.

Too much. too much.

Laugh at sb.


For ```````````.

Unit 9 of Grade 8

be late

look like

in sequence

Until noon

at weekends

Have a nice day! Have a good time

Browse browse

Waiting for embedded queue

Very low reduction rate

Tell sb. Tell others about you.

Football fans

Be friendly to sb. be friendly to sb.

It feels like it feels like it.

Friends like you are friends like you.


owe sth to sb ...

Ask someone. Do sth.

Come with me, come with me.

Think about memories

Leave early.

at least

Be careful, be careful

Grade 8 Volume Unit 10


Make sb. Make someone laugh

Enjoy doing sth.

like to do sth.

Both of them like it.

The same likes are the same.

For me, for me,

Let the work work.

like to do sth.