Interpretation of Ten Virtues Jade has ten characteristics in ancient times, because it is used to compare the ten virtues of a gentleman, namely, benevolence, knowledge, righteousness, courtesy, joy, loyalty, faith, heaven, earth and virtue. The Chinese book "Book of Rites" says: "A gentleman is better than jade: gentle, courteous and frugal, benevolent; Be cautious and know; Cheap but not embarrassing, righteous; Hanging like a team, courtesy also; The sound of knocking at the door is getting louder and longer, and finally it is pleasant; Yu, flawless, loyal; Fu Yin Pang Da, letter also; Gas is like Bai Hong, and the sky is also; The spirit is found in mountains and rivers, and the land is also; Zhang Gui TEDA, Deye; The world is expensive and the road is also. " Tang Taizong's poem "Holding Trilateral Peace" said: "Ten virtues in martial arts and nine merits in literary honor." Song Fan Zhongyan's "Casting swords and halberds as tribute to farm tools": "There are more and more three warehouses, but the virtues are ten, and the flowers are destroyed."
Word decomposition
The interpretation of ten is ten names, nine plus one (capital letters and the word "pick" are often used in documents). It means long and long: ten rooms and nine empty rooms. Represents reaching the top: full. One hundred percent. Radical: ten; Interpretation of virtue: norms and principles of people's common life and behavior, personality, quality: virtue. Moral quality. Public morality. Virtue. Morality. Virtue. Moral education (ideological, political and moral education according to certain social requirements). Have both ability and political integrity. Do what you can. Highly respected. Thought, belief: unite as one.