Delphi method is a market forecasting method proposed by O. Helm and N. D'Arc in the 1940s and further developed by T. J. Golden and Rand. Delphi method, based on systematic procedures, adopts anonymous expression of opinions, that is, experts are not allowed to discuss with each other, there is no horizontal connection, and only have relations with investigators. After repeated consultation, induction and revision, several rounds of expert opinion surveys were conducted on the questions raised in the questionnaire, and the final opinions were basically consistent with the predicted results. This method has wide representativeness and reliability.
The name Delphi comes from the ancient Greek myth about Apollo, the sun god. It is said that Apollo had the ability to foresee the future. Therefore, this prediction method is named Delphi method.
Delphi is the English original of Delphi. Obviously, transliteration into Chinese can only be Delphi, not Delphi.