The Education Bureau has regional education offices serving Hong Kong, Kowloon, New Territories East and New Territories West. Parents of newly arrived children can seek assistance from any regional education office to arrange for their children to attend school.
Mainland children newly arrived in Hong Kong or their parents can obtain leaflets on Hong Kong's education system at the Lo Wu Control Point, the Regional Education Service Office of the Education Bureau or any of the advisory service centres of the Home Affairs Department. This leaflet is accompanied by a postal note sent to the headquarters of the Education Bureau. Parents of newly arrived children from the Mainland can fill in the relevant information on the mailing form and send it back to the Education Bureau.
Upon receipt of these mailing forms, the School Placement and Support Section of the Education Bureau will send the information on the residential area of the children seeking help to the School Development Section of the Regional Education Service of the relevant Education Bureau. The school development officer of the group will contact these parents to help arrange their children to go to school.
If the school development officer fails to find a school place for the newly arrived mainland children, the case will be referred to the School Places Arrangement and Support Section for further processing. Children in need of special care will be referred to the Special Education Support and Degree Arrangement Section of the Education Bureau to assist them in enrolling in special schools.
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For enquiries, please call 2863-4772 and 2863-4703 during office hours.