Legal basis: Standard for Urban Land Classification and Planning and Construction Land (GBJ 137-90).
Article 1 This Standard is formulated for the purpose of unifying the classification of urban land use throughout the country, scientifically formulating, approving and implementing urban planning, rationally saving land and ensuring the normal development of cities.
This standard is applicable to the overall planning and urban land use statistics of a city.
In addition to the implementation of this standard, the preparation of urban planning should also meet the requirements of the current relevant national standards and norms.
The land classification of Nijo Castle Town adopts a three-level classification system, which is divided into 10, 46 and 73 categories.
Urban land use should be divided and classified according to the main nature of land use.
When using this classification, all or part of this classification can be adopted according to the different requirements of work nature, work content and work depth, but no new categories can be added.
Urban land classification should use alphanumeric codes, the major categories should be represented by English letters, and the middle and minor categories should be represented by an Arabic numeral. Urban land classification codes can be used for drawings and documents of urban planning.