The science and education film Universe and Man is a science and education film jointly produced by Beijing Science and Education Film Studio and the Film Channel Program Production Center of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television. The film systematically and comprehensively expounds the secrets of the material world, such as what matter is about, what movement matter depends on, what power controls these movements, how these movements started and how they continue to this day.
The film reveals how human beings were created in the universe, how the vastness of the universe is related to intelligent creatures like human beings, and whether it is inevitable for human beings to be created by the universe.
The film shows the interaction between human understanding of the universe and human civilization, and the most important leap of human civilization, which is directly related to how much human can understand the principles of the universe. For example, Copernicus proposed Heliocentrism 400 years ago, which completely overthrew the dark Middle Ages, and earth-shaking changes have taken place in human life.
The film uses a lot of the latest information about human exploration of the universe, and puts forward many unique thoughts about the universe on the basis of these latest information, such as the significance of supernovae to the evolution of matter and life in the universe, the significance of BIGBANG to the movement of matter in the whole universe, the decisive influence of the Cambrian Big Bang on life on the earth, the origin of human beings, the extinction of dinosaurs, the relationship between changes in the earth's surface and biological evolution, and the role of the moon on the earth and human beings. The influence of human position in the galaxy on human civilization and so on, these ideas are not only very novel, but also very interesting to integrate into the infectious narrative of the film.
By organically combining the position of life in the universe, how matter moves, and how human beings understand the universe and make progress from this understanding, this large-scale popular science film is formed, which integrates science, philosophy and rich humanistic atmosphere.
The film has set several firsts in China: first, computer animation is the first, using computer animation for 45 minutes, which is the first time in China to use the longest computer animation in a film, and the quality has reached the international level; Second, for the first time, all acoustic music and digital stereo are used in science and education films, which gives people a magnificent audio-visual shock effect; Third, it won the highest international and domestic awards for the first time: the 20th Golden Rooster Award for Best Science and Education Film, the Silver Dragon Award at the 2000 International Science and Education Film and Television Exhibition and Review Conference (this award was the highest and most competitive international award in China in 2000, with more than 500 domestic and foreign film and television programs participating in the review, and China sent 22 films, only this one won the silver award), the Best Director Award at the Iranian International Film Festival, and the Slovak Ministry of Education Award at the Slovak International Education Film Festival.