A, quantitative change B, individual difference C, qualitative change D, interaction 2. What does gesell think personal development depends on? B A, heredity b, maturity c, environment d, training
3. In gesell's view, how did maturity develop from one development level to another? A A, mutation b, stage continuity c, gradual change d, linear continuity 4. What does gesell call the phenomenon that children's function is dominant? C
A, unilateral principle b, preference principle c, asymmetry principle d, advantage principle 5. What characteristics does gesell think children's behavior changes sometimes have? B A, conflict b, periodicity c, contradiction d, directional filling questions:
6. gesell believes that personal development depends on maturity.
7. gesell believes that children can self-regulate their behavior.
8. According to his own observation, gesell put forward the principles of interweaving, functional asymmetry, development direction, individual maturity and self-adjustment.
9. gesell thinks that development is directional, for example, from top to bottom, from center to edge, from coarse movements to fine movements. Noun explanation:
A.Gesell)PPT33 Functional Asymmetry Principle Book P27-28 Preparation Test (A.Gesell) Short answer questions:
1. What are the basic principles of children's behavior development put forward by gesell?
2. What is the child's behavior pattern? What is the relationship between behavior patterns and individual differences? 3. What attitude should adults take when children are "ready"? 4. What is the practical significance of gesell's maturity theory to current education?
5. Re-recognize the scientific value and practical significance of the theory of mature strength development in combination with the current social psychology and education status.