Shouguang Shengdu Middle School or Changle Bowen Middle School, which has a higher enrollment rate?
Changle Bowen Middle School has a high enrollment rate. As of July 13, 2023, according to official website of Shouguang Education Bureau, the enrollment rate of Shengdu Middle School in Shouguang City was about 86% in 2023; According to official website of Changle Education Bureau, the admission rate of Changle Bowen Middle School in 2023 is about 87%. Compared with the two, the enrollment rate of Shouguang Shengdu Middle School is lower than that of Changle Bowen Middle School. Bowen Middle School in Changle County is located in Bao Tong Street, Changle County, Weifang City. Shouguang Shengdu Middle School is located in Miao Wen Street, Shouguang City, Weifang City.