education act
Various elements in education and the relationship between education and external environment hide the essential connection and development trend. Pedagogy is the key to reveal these laws.
The mission of pedagogy
Pedagogy is committed to revealing various factual laws of education and providing theoretical and methodological support for educators. It is not only a science, but also a guide to practice.
Value orientation of education
Education is not only imparting knowledge, but also transmitting values. Pedagogy is an important subject to study these values, which helps us to better understand the true meaning of education.
Diversified exploration of pedagogy
Different schools of pedagogy reflect different methodological positions and educational values. This makes pedagogy research full of diversity and richness, and provides us with the possibility of various educational choices.
Artistic beauty of education
Education is not only a science, but also an art. Educators and educatees create a space full of spirituality, emotion and creativity in interaction. This is the charm of education and the ideal state that pedagogy should pursue.