There is no guarantee of passing the exam.
A 60-point degree does not guarantee the passing rate of the exam. 60 points is not the passing score of all exams, and some exams even need to reach 70 points, 80 points or even higher to pass. Therefore, only learning 60 points of education does not guarantee passing the exam.
The learning content is not comprehensive enough.
The content of 60-point education is probably not comprehensive enough. In order to achieve 60 points quickly, 60-point education often only pays attention to the explanation of key knowledge points in the exam, while ignoring some basic knowledge and extended knowledge. The knowledge gained in this way may be very simple, which is not conducive to long-term learning and development.
Clear learning objectives and plans
We should have clear learning goals and plans, not just pursue passing grades, but pay attention to comprehensive learning.
Choose a learning style that suits you.
To choose a suitable learning style, we can combine various learning resources, such as textbooks, online courses, remedial classes, etc.
Give priority to practice
We should pay attention to practice, do more questions, simulate exams and test the learning effect.