In addition, modern educational technology also studies the application of multimedia technology, network technology, virtual reality technology and artificial intelligence technology in education and teaching. Audio-visual education mainly pays attention to "teaching", while modern educational technology pays equal attention to "teaching" and "learning".
The difference between modern educational technology and educational technology;
The research object of modern educational technology is the teaching process using modern information technology, while the research object of educational technology is all learning processes; Modern educational technology focuses on learning resources related to modern information technology, while educational technology focuses on all learning resources.
Information technology mainly studies the acquisition, transmission and processing of information. It is a combination of computer technology, communication technology and microelectronics technology, and is sometimes called "modern information technology". Information technology is a new discipline that uses computer to process information and modern electronic communication technology to collect, store, process and utilize information, as well as related product manufacturing, technology development and information service.
Information technology mainly includes sensing technology, communication technology, computer technology and microform technology. Information technology can expand people's information function.
The difference between information technology and modern educational technology;
Information technology, including modern educational technology, covers a wide range.