According to the latest statistics, it takes an average of 7.3 years for doctoral students in the United States to obtain their doctorate from the postgraduate stage. There are also differences in the length of time in different disciplines. For example, it takes an average of 6.7 years to get a doctorate in engineering, while it takes an average of 1 1.9 years to get a doctorate in education.
According to the above time period, the average person studying for a doctorate in the United States gets a doctorate at the age of 3 1.4. Among them, the youngest person who has obtained a doctorate in natural science and earth science is 29.5 years old on average; People with a doctorate in education are the oldest, with an average of 38.2 years old.
According to the TopUniversities website, the average tuition fee for doctoral studies in the United States is $28,000 to $40,000, but there are obvious differences between different schools and different majors.
Despite the high tuition fees, doctors have relatively rich sources of financial support. In the United States, the proportion of doctors receiving financial support through research assistants is as high as 33%, and another 25.3% doctors receiving financial support through researcher funds or thesis funds, and 2 1.5% doctors are teaching assistants.