Protein treasure
During pregnancy, you need a lot of protein to support your baby's growth. Lean meat, chicken, fish, eggs and beans are all experts in protein, which will lay a solid foundation for the baby's growth.
The source of vitamin a
During pregnancy, you need a lot of vitamin A to protect your baby's eyes and skin. Green leafy vegetables, carrots, pumpkins and sweet peppers are all sources of vitamin A, so that babies can have a bright world in their bellies.
Vitamin c small sun
During pregnancy, you need a lot of vitamin C to enhance your immunity. Bananas, strawberries, oranges, etc. They are all small suns of vitamin C, providing a steady stream of vitality for pregnant mothers and babies.
Calcareous treasure
During pregnancy, you need a lot of calcium to strengthen bones. Milk, yogurt, cheese, etc. They are all calcium treasures, paving the way for the healthy growth of the baby.
Gad Guard
During pregnancy, you need a lot of iron to prevent anemia. Nuts, seeds and oats are all guardians of iron, supplementing iron and protecting maternal and infant health.
Dietary minefield during pregnancy
During pregnancy, you should pay attention to avoid raw meat, raw fish, raw eggs and other foods, as well as drinks containing caffeine and alcohol. For the safety of the baby, we have to make a detour!