Choose the right time
The best time for mild prenatal education is when pregnant women feel relaxed and comfortable, usually in the morning or evening. Avoid doing this when pregnant women feel tired or hungry.
Use soft light
Choose soft and warm light to avoid too strong or dazzling light. You can use natural light or soft light, but make sure that the light is not directly in the eyes of pregnant women.
Control irradiation time
The time of each light prenatal education should be controlled between 10 ~ 15 minutes. Prolonged exposure may cause fetal discomfort.
Interact with the fetus
In light prenatal education, you can gently massage the pregnant woman's stomach and interact with the fetus. This can increase the interest of the fetus in light stimulation and promote the sensory development of the fetus.
Pay attention to the reaction of pregnant women
Every pregnant woman's reaction to light prenatal education may be different. Some pregnant women may feel comfortable and relaxed, while others may feel uncomfortable or tired. If pregnant women feel unwell, they should immediately stop mild prenatal education.