1 School/Institution official website: Schools or institutions usually provide official websites or platforms, such as HowNet, VIP, papefree and papertime. Students can log in to their own accounts to check the test results and related notices.
Tutor/Lecturer: The lecturer will be responsible for the test paper and provide test reports and feedback to students. You can consult the instructor directly about the test results of the paper.
3 Testing institutions official website: Some schools will require students to submit their papers to specific testing institutions for testing. You can log in directly to official website, a testing organization, and use the account and password used when submitting the paper to view the paper testing report.
4 Academic misconduct detection system: Schools or institutions usually use academic misconduct detection system to detect graduation thesis. Students can use the student side of the system to conduct self-help tests and view paper test reports. However, it should be noted that students may not be able to view the report completely consistent with the test results of schools or institutions.