How much is the contribution of Shandong education?
According to relevant data, Shandong Education contributed 1000 -9000 yuan. If the author has confidence in his article, or has relevant contacts (you know the relationship with society), you can try to contribute, and the cost is the page fee, which is about 1000 yuan. If you have no confidence in your article and no connections, then find a paper agent to publish your paper, and the cost is about 9000 yuan. Shandong Education is approved by the State Press and Publication Administration, published nationwide and subscribed by the post office. It is a provincial-level publication and an excellent periodical in Shandong Province. The main columns are planning, practical exploration, education forum, teacher education, student development, teaching art park, teacher post office and information superhighway. Shandong Education magazine is a periodical with ten-day edition: middle school edition, primary school edition and preschool education edition, which mainly publishes excellent articles and experiences of basic educators.