Tian Zi ran out in shame, returned the gold to the court, resigned from his post, and asked the king to let himself be punished. The king thought his mother was very virtuous, and was happy because Tian Zi's mother had a deep understanding of justice, so he pardoned Tian Zi's crime, told him to become prime minister again, and rewarded his mother with gold.
This article is a typical classic of Confucian education. Through teaching, the author expounds the Confucian thought that being an official is not greedy and loyal to serving the country can truly fulfill filial piety. The story has shaped a mother image with a deep understanding of righteousness. The article can be divided into three levels. On the first floor, Tian Zi returned to his home three years ago and brought back a hundred gold coins to his mother, who was questioned. On the second level, my mother thinks that it is unjust, disloyal and unfilial for an official to eat and collect money. I want to drive my son away. On the third floor, Tian Zi ran out in shame, returned the money to the court and went to prison after retirement. Tian Zi was reunited with her, and her mother was rewarded.