The main contents of preschool education in Japan
Due to the universal attention of the whole society, preschool education in Japan is very developed, mainly through two channels, one is kindergarten and the other is nursery. Kindergarten is the primary stage of Japanese school education. Its purpose is to provide suitable environment and help according to the characteristics of children's physical and mental development and promote their healthy growth. Kindergartens are divided into state, public and private kindergartens, which accept children aged 3 to preschool. They stay in kindergarten for 39 weeks every year and stay in kindergarten for 4 hours every day, and the expenses required are borne by the guardians. The role of the nursery is to provide care and educational activities for children who are left unattended due to the work or illness of their guardians. It is established by the municipal, town and village governments and accepts children aged 0 to preschool. The annual nursing time is 300 days, and the daily nursing time is 8 hours. The required expenses shall be borne by the guardian in principle, but can be paid according to the income according to government regulations.