The Education Bureau is definitely going to adjust your file, and it is estimated that it will be released here in the university, so you'd better go to the school where you apply for the exam or the education bureau to which the school belongs to understand the relationship, so that you can not move the file first, first in the university, and then adjust the file after graduation.
In this way, the time between now and graduation is not formally established. Even if you are a contract worker in that school, you will enter the establishment after graduation, but you have already set this quota in advance. This is to prevent whether the Education Bureau will reserve this public school quota for you when you graduate.
Teachers in editing are career editors, that is, teachers in editing are staff of public institutions. Non-editorial teachers are temporary or contract workers. Teachers, as staff members of public institutions, generally sign a five-year contract according to relevant regulations (generally only one contract is signed in actual operation) and enjoy the working treatment of public institutions according to relevant regulations, but the contract workers we refer to generally refer to temporary workers. Non-editing teachers are generally called substitute teachers.