After completing the registration, candidates can directly bring relevant materials to the selected on-site confirmation point for qualification examination and on-site confirmation, regardless of the status to be audited. After the on-site exam passes, the online exam will show that the exam has passed, that is, the written test registration stage is completed. When you encounter such a problem, you should ask yourself whether you have gone to the scene to confirm it. For most provinces, it is necessary to confirm the interview on the spot after the written test of teacher qualification certificate is passed. After the on-site confirmation is successful, the candidate's information is displayed as "Approved" and online payment can be made.
If the registration information shows "pending review", it is very likely that the candidate has not completed the on-site confirmation. If it is confirmed on the spot that the above phenomenon still occurs, you should consult the local education bureau as soon as possible to ensure that your registration is successful. Be sure to read the announcement of teacher qualification certificate in the reported provinces carefully, don't take it for granted, and don't believe what others say, so as not to bring inconvenience to your teacher qualification examination.