Whether it is pseudoscience or not depends on whether the research method conforms to the basic methods of science.
Many scholars doubt whether the development level of pedagogy today is qualified to become a veritable science. However, pedagogy is not pseudoscience. Pseudoscience is a kind of deception covered with scientific veil, or a farce that does not understand the basic methods of science and regards unreliable theories as truth. It is not excluded that some people who study pedagogy are constructing some such scams or farce, but the whole pedagogy cannot be denied. The quasi-scientific nature of pedagogy is determined by its historical position in the primary stage of development, not caused by anti-scientific research methods.
(2) About science and truth: Science is a reliable way to reveal the truth, and practice can test the truth, but it is difficult to find the truth without practice.
(3) About quantification and science: quantification is a sign of the maturity of a science, but science does not exclude non-quantitative research.
Inappropriate quantitative research is pseudoscience, which is widespread in the pedagogy research of primary and secondary school teachers in China. For example, "test score" is only an "operational definition" of "academic performance", and many people regard it as a "conceptual definition"; "Average score" is only one of the indicators to describe the sample population, and many people regard it as a comprehensive indicator. These are all caused by not mastering the scientific method of quantification, so they are pseudoscience.
Classical disciplines such as physics and chemistry are models of successful quantification by using mathematics, so these disciplines are relatively mature sciences. But immature science is not pseudoscience.
(4) On the interrelation of various disciplines: "Interlacing like a mountain" is the current status of scientific development.
In the course of its development, various disciplines repeatedly circulate the process of "long separation and long combination", which makes it difficult to develop in depth. The theme of today's scientific development is "combination". This is because the current scientific division is too thin and too long, which leads to "interlacing like a mountain" and it is difficult to understand each other. It is a way to promote mutual understanding among disciplines. There is no "combination" of mutual understanding, but simply return to the previous division, rather than the "spiral rise" from division to combination. Without understanding the basic research progress of the corresponding disciplines, it is emphasized that "combination" is "paddle-paste combination" and is fundamentally a kind of "pseudoscience". Emphasizing the significance of subject integration in primary and secondary education is more to let students understand the "combination" of various subjects in the original state and the inevitability of "from combination to division" and "from division to combination", rather than to let primary and secondary school students understand the "from division to combination" of the frontier of today's disciplines in specific scientific knowledge. It is not advisable to use the concept of "universal connection" to deny the particularity of various disciplines.