First of all, from this sentence, we can see that Mencius attached importance to education. Mencius believes that education is an important way to give full play to talents. Only through good education can talents grow up and make greater contributions to society. Therefore, it is a pleasure for Mencius to get excellent talents and educate them.
Secondly, we can understand the educational goal pursued by Mencius. What Mencius expected was not only to teach students knowledge, but more importantly, to train them to become gentlemen with noble character. This educational thought embodies Mencius' understanding of human nature. He believes that human nature is good, and only through correct education and guidance can people show true goodness.
Finally, we can also feel Mencius' sense of social responsibility from this sentence. Mencius believes that as the elite of society, it is the responsibility and obligation to help the disadvantaged groups in society and promote social progress and development. This sense of social responsibility is also an important embodiment of the "benevolence" thought advocated by Mencius.