compulsory education
Compulsory education, also known as free education, is a national education that school-age children and adolescents must accept according to the Constitution and is guaranteed by the state, society and family. Its essence is a system of compulsory education for school-age children and adolescents for a certain period of time in accordance with the provisions of the law. Compulsory education is also called compulsory education and free compulsory education. Compulsory education is compulsory, free and universal.
Education for All (EFA)?
The state provides some general education to all school-age children. Countries generally take the implementation of primary education as the first step, and further improve their requirements with the development of politics and economy. Universal education is different from compulsory education enforced by law, but in order to effectively implement universal education, many countries usually stipulate the nature of their obligations in legal form, which is called universal compulsory education.
One is to divide courses into basic courses, expanding courses and research courses, which is ()
Courses are divided into basic courses, expanding courses and resear