2009-12-10 21:24: 53.406 domain name resolution succeeded [202.38.97. 197] ......
Server connected successfully, waiting for reply message. ......
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2009- 12- 10 2 1:24:54.265 220
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2009-12-10 21:24: 54.703 331Please specify a password.
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2009- 12- 10 2 1:24:55.593 230-
2009-12-10 21:24: 55.593 230-3 IP connections at most.
2009- 12- 10 2 1:24:55.593 230-
Only downloads are allowed
2009- 12- 10 2 1:24:55.593 230-
2009-12-10 21:24: 55.593 230-@ Peking University
2009- 12- 10 2 1:24:55.593 230-
2009-12-10 21:24: 55.593 230 login succeeded.
2009- 12- 10
2009-12-1021:24: 56.031215 UNIX type: L8.
2009-12-10 21:24: 56.453 250 Directory changed successfully.
2009- 12- 10 2 1:24:56.890 257 "/"
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2009-12-10 21:24: 57.765 227 entered the passive mode (202, 38, 97, 197, 190, 248).
List-Los Angeles
FTP sites in some domestic universities:
Ftp://www.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn, Tsinghua University
Ftp://www.lib.pku.edu.cn, Peking University.
Ftp://ftp.bupt.edu.cn, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.
Ftp://ftp.whnet.edu.cn Huazhong University of Science and Technology
FTP://202. 1 14 . 22 . 148
Jinan University FTP://202 438+05438+06.9.638+0
ftp://202. 1 16.9.59
Ftp://ftp.dlut.edu.cn, Dalian University of Technology
Ftp://ftp.shnet.edu.cn, Shanghai Jiaotong University
Tongji University in ftp://ftp.tongji.edu.cn
Ftp://ftp.nju.edu.cn, Nanjing University
Ftp://ftp.njupt.edu.cn/, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Ftp://ftp.njnet.edu.cn/, Nanjing University of Science and Technology
Ftp://ftp.zju.edu.cn/, Zhejiang University
Ftp://ftp.ustc.edu.cn, University of Science and Technology China
Ftp://ftp.xmu.edu.cn, Xiamen University
Shandong University Ftp://ftp.sdu.edu.cn Campus
Ftp://ftp.hit.edu.cn, Harbin Institute of Technology
Ftp://hrbucea.edu.cn, Harbin Jianzhu University
Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping ftp://ftp.wtusm.edu.cn
Ftp://ftp.wuhee.edu.cn/, Wuhan University of Water Conservancy and Electric Power
Ftp://ftp.znufe.edu.cn/ Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics
Ftp://ftp.csut.edu.cn, Central South University of Technology.
Ftp://ftp.csru.edu.cn of Changsha Railway Institute
Ftp://ftp.nudt.edu.cn, National University of Defense Technology
Ftp://ftp.scut.edu.cn, South China University of Technology
Ftp://ftp.szu.edu.cn, Shenzhen University
Ftp://ftp.zsu.edu.cn, Sun Yat-sen University.
Ftp://ftp.xjtu.edu.cn/ of Xi Jiaotong University
Chinese University of ftp://ftp.cuhk.hk
Note: those marked with+are recommended sites, which are divided into+,++and++levels;
All the sites called B are recommendation sites;
Those who call C are recommended comic websites;
Those who play F are all recommended film positions;
Those who play G are recommended game sites;
Signing M is a recommended music website;
The one marked with P is the recommended photo location;
Those who sign S are recommended software (soft) sites;
Battle & number attached.
Siyuan website:++s&; *
Peking University Library: ftp.lib.pku.edu.cn++s&; *
Peking University Computer: ftp.cs.pku.edu.cn++m&; *
Department of Electronics, Peking University: ele.pku.edu.cn &
Distance education: ftp.etc.pku.edu.cn+M
WangJ's FTP1:KTV.cnnis.net (
WangJ ftp2: wangj.cnnis.net (
MPG:MPG . DHS . org( 162. 105. 16. 13 1)+
Japanese drama world1:ftp.jptv.dhs.org (jptv.dhs.org: 5000, rjtd.dhs.org:4000, japtv.dhs
. Organization)
+++f & amp; *
32 # server:
Personal FTP:
162. 105.37 . 23 1+m
162. 105.70 . 155
162. 105.77 . 176 sb
162. 105. 100. 162+msb
162. 105.99.45 myself
-Tsinghua University.
Precision Instrument Department: &;
Motor system1: &;
CodeGuru: 166. 1 1 1.60 . 147+BC & amp;
Electronic Department: ftp.ee.tsinghua.edu.cn ( &
Wireless transmission laboratory:;
Computer Department1:
Computer II:;
Foreign Languages Department:
Sakai:; *
9 # 2: 166. 1 1 1. 136. 159+c
26 #: 166. 1 1 1. 160.5 ++ bs & amp; *
GTO: 166. 1 1 1. 162.5?
Ftp.zixia.net: Xia Zi ( MS &;; *
Department of mechanical engineering: dmeserver.dhs.org (
Department of Mechanics: demnet.dhs.org (
Xintianning Station: &; *
Video 2:
Video 3:
dch yang: 166. 1 1 1.62 . 152
—— Beijing Post and Telecommunications.
Beijing Post and Telecommunications: ftp.bupt.edu.cn &; *
202. 1 12. 10.2
Apache: tracy.bupt.edu.cn++Procter & Gamble.
DVD & Japanese TV series:; *
Program-controlled communication laboratory: 202.112.10/.61&;
-Xi Jiaotong University.
Xi Jiaotong University: ftp.xjtu.edu.cn++FGS&; *
xisiftp:202. 1 17. 1 1.2 17 ++ bgmp & amp; *
Institute of Electronic Physics:;
Power Electronics Center: ftp.pevirc.xjtu.edu.cn &;
-South China University of Technology.
South China University of Technology: ftp.scut.edu.cn &;
South China University of Technology 1: 202.38.3438+0.8+
South China University of Technology 2: 202.38.24 1.58
Kapok film and television:;
—— Beijing Normal University.
Department of Physics:; *
Beijing normal university1:
—— Shanghai Jiaotong University.
Shanghai Jiaotong University: ftp.sjtu.edu.cn &;
Shanghai jiaotong university 1:nmcad.sjtu.edu.cn
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Harbin Institute of Technology: ftp.hit.edu.cn+b&;
Harbin institute of technology 1:ftp.turbo.hit.edu.cn
-University of Electronic Science and Technology.
Computer department: ftp.cs.uestc.edu.cn++bg.
Music heaven:; *
-Huazhong University of Science and Technology.
Computer department: student.cs.hust.edu.cn+.
-Jinan University.
Software College: ftp.sti.jnu.edu.cn &;
Apache: &
-Nankai University.
Nankai University: ftp.nankai.edu.cn+m&;
Department of Physics: &; *
-Other universities.
Northern Jiaotong University: ftp.njtu.edu.cn &;
University of Geology: ftp.cug.edu.cn &;
China University of Science and Technology: ftp.ustc.edu.cn+&;
Zhejiang University: ftp.zju.edu.cn+&;
Nanjing University: ftp.nju.edu.cn++fg&;
Tongji University Marine Geology Center:;
Shenda: ftp.szu.edu.cn+B &
Xi' an post and telecommunications: ftp.xiyou.edu.cn+BM&;
Sun Yat-sen University: ftp.zsu.edu.cn &;
Huazhong University of Science and Technology: linux.hust.edu.cn &;
Shandong University: ftp.sdu.edu.cn &;
Dalian University of Technology: ftp.dlut.edu.cn+B &
Wuhan Surveying and Mapping: ftp.wtusm.edu.cn &;
Wuhan Hydropower: ftp.wuhee.edu.cn &;
Anhui University: ftp.ahu.edu.cn &;
Hebei University: ftp.hbu.edu.cn &;
Nanjing Agricultural University: happy.njau.edu.cn &;
Guilin University of Technology: ftp.gliet.edu.cn &;
Jilin University: 202.198.5438+0.1&;
-Inside the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Space Center: ftp.sepc.ac.cn++FM&;
Intelligent center: ftp.ncic.ac.cn++BGP&;
Institute of Gas and Materials: ftp.iap.ac.cn+&;
Institute of Computing Science: ftp.cc.ac.cn &;
Institute of Acoustics: &;
Internet star:; *
Microelectronics Center:;
Xinjiang Branch: ftp.xjb.ac.cn &;
Education Network North China Network Center: ftp.edu.cn+s&; *
South China Network Center of Education Network: ftp.gznet.edu.cn &;
Northwest Network Center of Education Network: ftp.xanet.edu.cn &;
Central China Education Network Center: ftp.whnet.edu.cn+&;
East China Education Network Center: ftp.shnet.edu.cn &;
Chemical center: &;
FTP of Pisces: doublefish.dhs.org?
DNA Studio: dnastudio.dhs.org &; *
-Other resources.
Fanso download: download. fanso. com ++ FGM
Fanso movie: ftp.fanso.com: 2121+f&; *
Golden eye:; *
Shenzhen Online: ftp.szonline.net+& *
Free software in China: Freesoft. CEI.gov.cn++S&; *
China download: ftp.download.com.cn+s&; *
China download1:FTP1.download.com.cn+s&; *
turbo Linux:FTP . turbo Linux . com . cn & amp;
Engineering Technology in China: ftp.cetin.net.cn &;
China Economic Information: ftp.cei.gov.cn &; *
GNU Center: ftp.gnuchina.org &;
Ya' an website: down.yaan.com.cn++f&; *