First of all, you can take the exam. If it is a cross-exam, pedagogy is a popular major, and many people want to take it. And there are many people who want a stable job and want to be teachers at school. For college graduates, they can prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination two years after graduation. Bian Xiao suggested that everyone should make preparations in advance, and we can collect information of colleges and universities in advance, so that we can better enter the learning state. You can contact the seniors and sisters majoring in preschool education in East China Normal University in advance to learn about the school's teaching staff. We can also seek some experience from them, so as to avoid feeling confused during the exam.
Second, learn to persist. Many people feel particularly annoyed when they take the postgraduate entrance examination, because it takes one year to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination. In this year, if everyone doesn't study hard, we won't go ashore. Bian Xiao thinks our goal is a little high, but we must learn to believe in ourselves. Don't care too much about the eyes of the outside world, as long as everyone wants to take the exam, no matter how high. Let's not doubt ourselves. Be sure to stick to it during the exam. Because for many people, they will prepare for a long time. During this time, if we don't hurry, we won't get ashore once.