First of all, online learning is a brand-new learning mode for students, and online learning is a huge test for students whether using mobile phones or computers, so it is difficult to guarantee the learning effect of online learning students. It is also difficult to adapt to the learning mode of the school after the start of school, which brings great trouble to the teachers' teaching life in the future. Secondly, students are lazy at home, but their study and life at school are tense, so it is difficult for them to adapt to school management, which is also one of the challenges faced by teachers after the resumption of classes in high schools. It is difficult for students to be supervised by teachers when studying at home. Once students are too lazy at home, it is also a great challenge for teachers after school starts. Moreover, for teachers, teaching life at home is relatively easy. But once you get to school, the change of environment is also a great test for teachers.
No matter for students or teachers, although they will face various challenges after resuming high school, learning will always be their own business. Only by studying hard can we eliminate the influence of online learning on our grades. Only by adapting to school life quickly can we improve our grades better. For teachers and students, there will be better teaching quality.