Joy, a companion to A Little Parting, still revolves around the story of the Tong family. Different from the previous work, the drama shows the educational status of families in the city college entrance examination through vivid and realistic lens language.
"Little Joy" continues the cast of "Little Parting" and also selects three families as the main narrative samples. From "Little Parting" to "Little Joy", the core of the play has not changed, and it is still the proposition of family parent-child relationship that sneaked into the social city from the incision of education. What has changed is the age of the children in the play, from a group of middle school students to college entrance examination students. With the increase of age, the characters and plots of the play are obviously more intense.
"Little Joy" depicts a China family "Ukiyo-e painting". The play has set up three families of senior three candidates, all of which are very representative. The focus of the play is the college entrance examination, and the deeper point is education and parent-child relationship, which is also the place from "small separation" to "small joy".