Chifeng Homer School is a full-time ordinary middle school integrating primary school, junior high school and senior high school, which was established in 2007. The school covers a large area, with perfect infrastructure, advanced teaching equipment and student dormitories. The school pays attention to students' comprehensive quality education, takes "honesty, harmony, Excellence and innovation" as its motto and "high starting point, high standard and high quality" as its school goal, aiming at providing students with high-quality educational resources and a good learning environment.
The teaching characteristics of the school are "people-oriented, learning-oriented, hierarchical management and classified guidance". For students of different levels and hobbies, the school offers different special courses and activities, such as art festivals, science and technology festivals and sports meetings. , aiming at cultivating students' hobbies and comprehensive quality.
The characteristics of Homer School in Chifeng mainly include the following aspects:
1. Full-time ordinary middle school: Homer School in Chifeng is a full-time ordinary middle school integrating primary school, junior high school and senior high school, providing students with comprehensive educational services.
2. Pay attention to students' comprehensive quality education: the school pays attention to students' comprehensive quality education and takes "honesty, harmony, Excellence and innovation" as its motto to cultivate students' comprehensive quality and ability.
3. Individualized teaching: For students with different levels and hobbies, the school offers different special courses and activities, such as art festivals, science and technology festivals and sports meetings. In order to stimulate students' interests and improve the enthusiasm and effectiveness of learning.
4. International exchanges and cooperation: The school actively carries out international exchanges and cooperation, and has established good cooperative relations with senior high schools in many countries and regions, providing more opportunities for students to study abroad and exchange.
5. Excellent teaching staff: The school has an excellent teaching staff with high-level professional knowledge and teaching experience, which provides a good guarantee for students' learning and development.
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Generally, continuing educatio