internal cause
Children feel sick because of lack of sleep, fatigue, hot weather, hunger, thirst or illness. Attention should be paid to eliminating ADHD in terms of diseases. ADHD, also known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a common psychological disorder in children, which is characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, learning disabilities and maladjustment disproportionate to age and development level, and needs systematic treatment under the guidance of doctors.
External cause
Parents' education methods are improper, and the learning content is beyond the scope of children's acceptance; The environment is noisy; Watching TV too much, TV is a passive way of learning, without interactive communication, which is not conducive to the cultivation of children's creative thinking and language ability. The solution is to pay attention to educational methods, and the learning content should conform to the law of children's growth and development, watch less TV, do more activities and play more games.