As kindergarten teachers, children are very young and need more patience to teach them the responsibilities of teachers. How to make children establish the correct three views depends on the kindergarten teacher education model. However, the teachers in this kindergarten have no morality at all. As you can see in the video, the kindergarten teacher is holding a pair of scissors at the children in class and scaring them with words. As you can see in the video, scissors keep touching children's mouths, which causes many children's mouths to swell. Many netizens said that they are very worried about the health of these children, and those who corrupt teachers' style should be severely punished. Then the teacher responded, because these children disturbed the order of the church and made her feel very upset and out of control. So I took a new pair of scissors and poked the child in the mouth in revenge.
Because the children at this stage are still relatively young, the teacher's behavior will leave a great psychological shadow on them. Many parents are worried about whether this will happen to their children in kindergarten. For kindergarten teachers, their main responsibility is to accompany their children to grow up during this period. The teacher in Shandong Province has become a nightmare for children to keep their beautiful hearts.
After this incident, Shandong province carried out a comprehensive rectification of the kindergarten management system. But also strengthen the internal security problems of kindergartens. However, close communication has been established between kindergartens and parents. Kindergarten teachers' morality and style will be completely rectified, and the kindergarten will be strictly controlled when it is founded.