Conceptual differences:
Holistic education means that education must be geared to all people, that is, everyone has the right to receive education and must receive a certain degree of education.
Democratization of education is a denial of the level, privilege and autocracy of education. On the one hand, it pursues all people to receive the same education, including equal opportunities at the starting point of education, equal opportunities to enjoy educational resources in the process of education, and even equal educational results, that is, special care is given to students who are at a disadvantage in society.
On the other hand, the democratization of education pursues the liberalization of education, including the expansion of educational autonomy, the flexibility of setting courses and compiling textbooks according to social requirements, and the diversity of values.
Reflect differences:
Popularization is Comenius's "universal wisdom" education-"all knowledge is taught to all people"
Democratization is the equality of educational opportunities and rights, including equal admission, equal access to educational resources and equal educational results. Democracy in educational management. Democratization of teacher-student relationship. The democratization of educational activities, methods and contents provides more opportunities for students to choose freely.
Level difference:
Popularization (primary)-the foundation must be accepted by all citizens, emphasizing the necessity.
Democratization (advanced)-Have more opportunities and emphasize development.