In most countries and regions, employers can dismiss employees for their illegal behavior. For example, China's "Labor Contract Law" stipulates that the employer has the right to terminate the employee's labor contract. Employees who are investigated for criminal responsibility according to law for serious illegal acts, or who engage in prostitution in the workplace during working hours, can be identified as serious illegal acts. Similarly, the company policies of many countries and regions stipulate that employees who engage in prostitution during working hours or workplaces will be disciplined or dismissed.
However, in some countries or regions, sexual behavior is a protected private behavior, and companies may not dismiss employees for it. Therefore, to determine whether the company has the right to dismiss employees, we need to consider local laws and regulations as well as the company's policies and practices.
In short, being caught whoring is a crime. In most cases, ordinary companies have the right to dismiss employees. In any case, employers should abide by local laws and regulations and company policies, make wise decisions according to specific conditions, and ensure company culture and employee behavior norms.