Tell me about my experience. When preparing for the exam, I bought a lot of materials, including tests, applications and public knowledge, all of which belonged to provincial civil servants, as well as exercises, including national real questions and prediction questions, provincial civil servants' real questions and prediction questions, and provincial Selected Graduates real questions and prediction questions. In fact, I think that in terms of teaching materials, the country of purchase is similar to the country of deposit, because the knowledge inside is similar, but the cover is changed.
With this information, I began to study hard. Strictly speaking, I have prepared for about twenty days. It seems that they are all for testing, but you should study hard, make a plan, and study hard for several hours in the morning, afternoon and evening. Then do the kneading once a day, and the test time will be reduced by more than ten minutes. Generally speaking, the accuracy of the answer should reach at least 60%, and the more the better, and then find out your weaknesses.
With the approach of the exam, the amount of questions done every day can be gradually increased, from one set per day to more than two sets per day. This is the test. As for the application, I am ashamed to say that I only gave it two days, read the real questions, read the expressions and scores of the answers, and made two sets of questions. If time permits, it is recommended to learn more about the application while watching the line test. After all, it is also very helpful.
My experience is so much. If I really want to take the exam, I must work hard. Good luck.