The content of the test questions is highly consistent with the outline requirements and can highlight the key points. In the test questions, the examination of students' basic knowledge and theory accounts for 80% of the total score, and the application questions account for 20% of the total score. On the whole, the percentage of application problems can be improved. The examination paper is divided into five types, namely, judgment (10), choice (20), noun explanation (20), short answer (30) and case analysis (20). You can add one or two types of questions, but the number of small questions is moderate. The topic covers a wide range, each topic covers all chapters as much as possible, and the score ratio is set according to the key and difficult points. The score of each question is reasonable. The class test scores are generally consistent with the teacher's mastery, but some students who usually perform well have lower test scores. Among all types of questions, students score higher on multiple-choice questions and short-answer questions, but lower on case analysis questions. This shows that students have a good grasp of basic knowledge, but their theoretical application ability is weak. The total discrimination of the test paper is 0.2505, and the discrimination is average. Specifically, the first question (true or false), the third question (noun explanation) and the fifth question (case analysis) have better discrimination, while the second question (multiple choice question) and the fourth question (short answer question) have lower discrimination, so the difficulty should be improved. Generally speaking, test scores can basically reflect the true level of most students. The total average score is 74. 1837, and the test questions are moderately difficult. The standard deviation is 10.5253, and the results are well dispersed. Kurtosis is 3.469, indicating that the score is close to normal distribution.
Second, the course teaching self-evaluation
In teaching, the teaching method and inspiring questioning method are adopted to cultivate students' divergent thinking, convergent thinking and critical thinking. In learning, students have a general foundation, a general learning attitude and a general adaptability to new learning methods, but they are willing to try. For example, I try to encourage students to preview before class and try to explain individual knowledge points in class, but the students who explain it find it difficult and other students are not interested in listening.
Third, measures to improve teaching in the future
For the new teaching method, some classes may be easy to accept, while others are not. It needs to be adjusted through experiments according to students' feedback. It is necessary to make preparations before using new teaching methods. On the one hand, teachers need to master the method skillfully, on the other hand, they should explain the advantages of the new method and pay attention to the main points. Students' theoretical application ability in the exam is weak, so the training of case analysis ability should be strengthened in the future teaching.