Let me be more determined to go to Guangdong to study embedded system. These days, there are many contents, such as theoretical crosstalk, simple cases of well-known enterprises and career planning teachers' analysis of the future. In the embedded corridor in Guangdong, I also saw many students' employment situation and speeches. Seeing this, I am more confident to learn embedded well and succeed in employment.
Introduction to training
Licensed project for-profit private self-study examination educational institutions act as retail agents for basic telecommunications business publications. Projects that must be approved according to law can only be carried out after being approved by the relevant departments. The specific business projects shall be subject to the approval documents or licenses of relevant departments. General project cultural and artistic consultation and scientific and technological guidance.
In addition to non-academic cultural knowledge consultation and economic knowledge consultation that need to obtain school license, technology development, technical service, financial consultation, property management, information technology consultation, enterprise management consultation, conference and exhibition service, investment management and investment consultation in the fields of network technology and computer technology. In addition to projects that must be approved according to law, business activities shall be carried out independently according to law with business licenses.