Types of kanban
The essence of kanban is an information medium, which can give production instructions to needed parts at the required time and according to the required quantity. There are various forms to realize this function. Kanban is generally divided into three categories: transfer kanban, production kanban and temporary kanban. 1. Kanban in process refers to Kanban used in the processing of a process. This kind of kanban is used in assembly lines and processes that do not need a lot of job replacement time (the job replacement time is close to zero) even if a variety of products are produced, such as machining processes. 2. Signal Kanban Signal Kanban is a kind of Kanban used between processes that must be mass-produced. Such as resin molding process, die forging process, etc. Signal billboards are hung on mass-produced products. When the quantity of this batch of products is reduced to the reference quantity, the kanban is removed and sent back to the production process, and then the production process starts production according to the instructions of the kanban. In addition, the signal kanban can also be used to indicate the distribution from the parts warehouse to the production process. 3. The inter-process kanban refers to the kanban used by the factory, which collects the parts needed by the next process to the previous process. Typical inter-process kanban, the previous process is the part 1 # line, and the part numbered A232-60857 is needed for the final assembly of Line 2 in this process, and can be picked according to kanban in the previous process. 4. outsourcing kanban outsourcing kanban is a kanban used by external partners. Information such as the name of the purchasing unit, the purchasing time and the quantity of each purchase must be recorded on the foreign order board. Outsourcing kanban is similar to inter-process kanban, except that the "pre-process" is not an internal process, but a supplier. Through outsourcing kanban, slowly pull forward from the last process to the supplier. Therefore, sometimes enterprises will require suppliers to implement JIT production methods. 5. Temporary Kanban Temporary Kanban is a kanban used for equipment support, equipment maintenance, temporary tasks or overtime production. Different from other kinds of kanban, temporary kanban is mainly used to complete unplanned production or equipment maintenance tasks, so it is more flexible.
Practice of kanban use
(1) There are several ways to use Kanban, so the use of Kanban is different. If the usage of kanban is not carefully formulated, the production will not be carried out normally. Through the use of kanban, we can further understand the uniqueness of JIT production mode. When using kanban, each conveying kanban only corresponds to one kind of parts, and each part is always stored in a designated and corresponding container. Therefore, the container corresponding to each transport kanban is also certain. 1, the application of kanban in the process The most important point in the application of kanban in the process is that kanban must move with the physical object, that is, the product. When picking up the intermediate products in the next process, remove the inter-process kanban hung on the products, and then hang the inter-process kanban to pick up the goods. Then, the process produces according to the picking order of kanban and the quantity indicated by these kanban. If the number of picking kanban becomes zero, production will stop, so there will be no delay or excessive storage. 2. How to use the signal kanban The signal kanban is hung on the mass-produced products. If the quantity of this batch of products is reduced to the reference quantity, take down the kanban and send it back to the production process, and then the production process will start production according to the instructions of the kanban. Not delisting means that the quantity is sufficient and there is no need for reproduction. 3. How to use Kanban in the process room? The kanban in the process room is hung on the parts box brought by the previous process. After the parts are used, the kanban is removed and put into the kanban recycling box at the job site. The kanban in the process room in the kanban recycling box means "This part has been used, please supplement it". On-site management personnel regularly collect kanban, and then distribute it to each corresponding pre-process, so as to get the parts that need to be supplemented. 4. How to use outsourcing kanban The picking and recycling of outsourcing kanban is basically the same as that of inter-process kanban. After recycling, it will be separated according to the cooperative manufacturers. When the cooperative manufacturers deliver the goods, they will take them back and become the production instructions for the next production of the factory. In this case, the purchase of this batch of products will be delayed at least once. Therefore, it is necessary to issue a corresponding number of kanban according to the number of delayed returns, so as to follow the JIT cycle. (2) The process of organizing production with Kanban JIT is pull production. Information is transmitted through Kanban, and it is pulled from the last process to the previous process step by step. There are three processes in the production process. Information is transmitted from the entry memory of the third process to the exit memory of the second process. The second process transmits information from its entrance storage to the exit storage of the first process, and the first process receives raw materials from its entrance storage. In this way, the whole production process is organically organized through kanban. (3) Other visualization methods for issuing production requests instead of kanban. The form of kanban is not limited to all kinds of information on a card. In the actual JIT production mode, there are many visual methods to issue production requests instead of kanban, such as colored table tennis, empty containers, ground space signs, signal signs and so on.
Realization of Kanban Management
Operation process of Kanban management: 1. When the station is abnormal (equipment, quality, materials, engineering, etc. ), the operator presses the wireless alarm button; 2. Relevant responsible personnel (QC, materials, machine maintenance, etc. ) You can receive the abnormal site information by clicking on the mobile Bp machine, and the system will automatically record the abnormal alarm time point. At the same time, the computer screen or LED billboard will display the abnormal site information and start the alarm timing, and play a voice reminder. 3. The relevant person in charge presses the start processing button when the response arrives at the scene, and the system automatically records the response time point, and the screen shows that the station processing is in progress; 4. After the relevant person in charge has finished processing, press the processing end button, and the system will automatically record the processing end time point and eliminate the corresponding alarm information on the screen. Kanban management function: the workstation is equipped with three wireless alarm buttons (alarm button+start processing button+end processing button). The system can collect and count the occurrence time, start processing time and end processing time of equipment abnormality. Conduct personnel supervision and evaluation. The realization of the goal reduces the incidence of related anomalies and improves the response speed and execution efficiency.