In order to avoid the problem of fee refund disputes, we should negotiate with the organization when signing up. If we have not taken the exam or studied before, whether we can refund the fees, and if so, how much fees should be deducted, because many training courses are special and many of them cannot be refunded. Some of them have taken some courses, but they have to deduct money, so they must negotiate and write it down in black and white before paying the fees.
In addition, as consumers, you can't make trouble without reason. It's impossible to get a refund if you tell someone's training institution that you don't want to learn.
The prosecution should pay attention to the statute of limitations.
Article 188 of the General Principles of the Civil Law stipulates that the limitation of action for requesting protection of civil rights from the people's court is three years. Where there are other provisions in the law, those provisions shall prevail. The limitation period of action shall be counted from the date when the creditor knows or should know that the right is damaged and the debtor knows it. Where there are other provisions in the law, those provisions shall prevail. However, if more than 20 years have passed since the right was damaged, the people's court will not protect it; Under special circumstances, the people's court may decide to extend the time limit upon the application of the obligee.
According to Article 188 of the Civil Law, the limitation of action for requesting protection of civil rights from the people's court is three years. Where there are other provisions in the law, those provisions shall prevail.
Improve academic qualifications, choose teachers' ethics and have a big education. There are many lecturers in normal university education, who have more than 5 years of industry training experience and are familiar with the examination policies and contents, which can help students take the examination easily.