1. 1 Definition of static electricity and different types of electricity
1. 1. 1 electrostatic characteristics
1. 1.2 Different types of electricity
1. 1.3 Several common electrostatic physical quantities and their conversion
1.2 generates static electricity.
1.2. 1 solid state electrification
1.2.2 powder charged
1.2.3 liquid electrification
1.3 electrostatic field
1.3. 1 electric field strength
1.3.2 electrostatic voltage
1.3.3 electrostatic potential
1.4 Classification of electrostatic shielding, electrostatic conduction, electrostatic dissipation and electrostatic insulating materials
1.4. 1 electrostatic conductivity and electrostatic shielding materials
1.4.2 electrostatic dissipative materials
1.4.3 electrostatic insulating material
1.5 polarity arrangement of electrification and antistatic materials (antistatic materials) by friction separation.
1.6 electrostatic induction and electrostatic shielding
1.6. 1 electrostatic induction
1.6.2 electrostatic shielding
1.6.3 Faraday cage (cage)
Chapter II Electrostatic Problems in Electronic Industry
2. 1 electrostatic effect and its harm to microelectronics manufacturing industry
2. 1. 1 electrostatic effect
2. 1.2 harmful forms of static electricity to microelectronics manufacturing industry
2.2 Electrostatic discharge sensitive equipment (solid state hard disk or ESDS equipment)
2.2. 1 ESD damage failure mode of device
Solid state hard disk classification
2.3 examples and statistics of electrostatic damage in electronic industry
2.3. 1 electronic equipment loss statistics
Typical example
2.4 electrostatic power supply and electrostatic protection places in electronic production and use environment
2.4. 1 Human static electricity and personal items
2.4.2 Resin and painted packaging surface
2.4.3 All kinds of packaging containers, logistics distribution items and conveyor belts (lines).
2.4.4 Various working faces and tools (including pneumatic tools and tin suction devices, etc.). )
2.4.5 Assembly, cleaning, testing and maintenance process
2.4.6 All kinds of heat insulation floors
2.4.7 Production, assembly, welding, inspection, high and low temperature treatment and other equipment.
Grounding system and power supply
2.4.9 Insulators and conductors insulated from the ground in the production and storage environment.
2.4. 10 environmental electromagnetic field
2.4. 1 1 Places with electrostatic protection requirements
Chapter III Electrostatic Protection Principle
3. 1 Electrostatic dissipation and leakage
3. 1. 1 General requirements for electrostatic dissipation and leakage
3. 1.2 Special case of dissipation and grounding
3. 1.3 Safety issues in the use of antistatic materials (equipment)
3.2 electrostatic neutralization
3.3 Electrostatic shielding and grounding
3.4 Environmental humidification
3.5 ESD protection design of electronic products
Setup of SSD ESD protection circuit
3.5.2 ESD protection of electronic equipment
Chapter IV Composition and Technical Requirements of Anti-static Work Area (EPA)
4. Composition of1EPA
4. Definition and overall technical requirements of1.1EPA
4. 1.2 EPA hardware composition and requirements
4. 1.3 Software and management requirements
4. 1.4 Requirements for antistatic articles, assembly and production equipment and special equipment (vehicles and aircraft) in EPA.
4. 1.5 EPA environmental requirements
4.2 Grounding and Lightning Protection in EPA
4.2. 1 Safety protection grounding
4.2.2 working grounding
iterative earth
4.2.4 Neutral point, zero point, neutral line and zero line
DC grounding
Signal grounding
Anti-static grounding
4.2.9 Lightning protection grounding and lightning protection design of EPA
4.2. 10 EPA anti-static grounding and its relationship with other grounding.
Chapter V Anti-static Technology and Quality Management of EPA
5. Anti-static technology and requirements of1EPA
5. 1. 1 SSD incoming inspection
5. 1.2 transportation, storage and custody of solid-state hard disk
5. 1.3 Requirements for material distribution, receiving, sending, receiving and returning
5. 1.4 Requirements during pretreatment
5.1.5 Requirements during PCB assembly and welding
5. 1.6 Requirements during testing and inspection of printed circuit boards
5. 1.7 requirements for intermediate processing of printed circuit boards
5. 1.8 Requirements during debugging, observation and aging
5. 1.9 packaging electrostatic protection process requirements
5.2 Enterprise EPA quality management and electrostatic protection training
Electrostatic analysis
5.2.2 SSD protection performance design of SSD
5.2.3 Management Requirements for EPA
5.2.4 Anti-static engineering design and management
5.2.5 ESD training and evaluation of enterprise employees
Chapter VI Inspection of Anti-static System of EPA
6. 1 Resistance test and resistivity calculation
6. 1. 1 Definition of resistance and resistivity
6. 1.2 principle of resistance test
6. 1.3 test electrode
6. 1.4 resistance test and surface and volume resistivity calculation
6. 1.5 Precautions for Resistance Testing
6.2 Test of electrostatic voltage decay time
6.2. 1 Definition of electrostatic voltage decay time (period)
6.2.2 Testing principle of electrostatic voltage decay time
6.2.3 Matters needing attention in time test of electrostatic voltage decay period
6.3 Detection of electrostatic shielding performance
6.3. 1 detection instrument and detection principle
6.3.2 Matters needing attention in testing
6.4 Friction charged voltage and electrostatic potential (voltage) test of EPA system
6.4. Electrostatic potential (voltage) test of1EPA system
6.4.2 Friction charged voltage test
6.5 Measurement and Calculation of Electrostatic Quantity
6.5. 1 test requirements
6.5.2 Calculation of Electrostatic Quantity
6.6 Testing and aging inspection of various antistatic products (materials) and projects
6.6. 1 wristband
6.6.2 EPA human body comprehensive resistance test
6.6.3 Resistance test of anti-static shoes
6.6.4 Resistance test of gloves (finger covers), hats, socks, shoe covers, tools (brushes) and pneumatic tools.
6.6.5 Testing of anti-static work clothes
6.6.6 Testing of Anti-static Packaging Tube for Integrated Circuit
6.6.7 Test of soft containers (including foam pads and sponges)
6.6.8 Testing of turnover containers and boxes
Testing of curtains
6.6. 10 Anti-static Leakage Test for Walls
6.6. 1 1 Surface resistance test of antistatic liquid and wax
6.6. 12 resistance test of chair, workbench and running trolley
Testing of floors and floor mats
6.6. 14 Test method for electrostatic elimination performance of ion electrostatic eliminator
6.6. 15 resistance test of drive belt system
6.6. 16 Resistance Test of Tin Absorber and Solder
6.6. 17 aging inspection and items of antistatic products
Chapter 7 ESD model and ESD sensitivity test of devices and equipment
7. 1 electrostatic discharge model and ESD sensitivity test
7. 1. 1 human body model (HBM)
7. 1.2 machine model (mm)
7. 1.3 live equipment model (CDM)
7. 1.4 model of live circuit board
7. 1.5 man-metal ESD simulator
7. 1.6 furniture ESD model
7. 1.7 Comparison of several widely used ESD models
7. 1.8 ESD test of equipment
7.2 Introduction of Electrostatic Discharge Simulator
7.2.1discharge mode of ESD simulator
7.2.2 Introduction of Common ESD Simulators
7.2.3 Matters needing attention in discharge test
Appendix a English abbreviations of technical terms in this book
Appendix B GB/T 15463-95 Electrostatic Safety Terminology
Appendix Table of IEC 6 1340-5- 1 "Protection of Electronic Equipment in Electrostatic Field-General Requirements"
Appendix D "Electrostatic Discharge Control Procedure" and Preface of ESD Association Standard
Appendix E JGB 1649—93 Appendix A Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Grading Test (Supplementary)
Appendix F Table of Common Physical Dimensions
Appendix G Catalogue of Anti-static Standards and Related Standards at Home and Abroad
Appendix h electrostatic protection guide problem set
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